Respond to lessons in business... My Quick Three Lessons Don't Guess I have wasted much time guessing what people want or like in websites. Add to that guessing on the "why" of their like of an...

Why Your Website is So Important
Imagine, you just returned from a networking event you enjoyed. Met some interesting people and asked for their business cards. Now you are back at your office. After investing time to get out and meet people, what do...
Belief and Faith as a Solo Entrepreneur
On Easter Sunday, Pastor Brad Tate at 2|42 Community Church told the following story. As a young man, he stood next to a friend, an archer, who one after another shot arrows hitting a small area around the bullseye of...
Grow Your Business Through Trial and Error
What I would say to others starting a business has changed since I started my own. A couple of years ago, I worked coaching and running business planning programs for people who wanted to start or grow a business....
Developing Deep Roots in Business
My faith teaches me to develop deep roots so that it is not easily shaken. Roots that grow deep into the soil and not sand or rock will keep us strong through challenges. We don't lose our faith in the midst of...
What You Get With a Professionally Done Website
A well put together website resonates with ideal clients. On the surface, there is what you can see on a screen. This is a very important aspect because as they say people judge a book by it's cover. People do judge...
What Got Accomplished Last Week
As I start the new week, my first thoughts are going back to last week. What did I do that has the MOST value for my business? What are the things that come quickest to mind? What did I do to keep new business coming...
Discovering Your Online VOICE
Sometimes something someone says sticks with you. Many years ago a friend of mine said that her teenage daughter had found her voice. It was a good thing. She knew what she wanted and was comfortable with expressing...
Use Your Strengths to Set You Apart in Business
One of the biggest mistakes I made when starting my business was looking at what others did in my industry and trying to do things the way I saw others doing it! And I was a poor imitation. Many who start a business...
This free thing that I have for you
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